About ANDES Advanced NDE Solutions
ANDES Advanced NDE Solutions is a network of highly qualified NDT professionals with long term background. It was founded by Daniel Comuzzi who has spent most of his professional career at the TENARIS A.S. Group. Since 1988, Daniel has been the global head of NDT and NDT procurement at TENARIS and has extensive background on all NDT methods which are relevant for the tube and pipe markets. This includes Ultrasonic Testing (UT), Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT), Eddy Current Testing (ET), Magnetic Strayflux Testing (MFL) and Magnetic Particle Testing (MT). Speaking four languages, he has qualified leading NDT suppliers and introduced them in TENARIS plants worldwide, i.e. in Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Saudi Arabia, China and Japan. Long term placements, e.g. spending more than two yours in Asia, formed his multi-cultural background.
ANDES History

In 2017, Daniel Comuzzi has left TENARIS and founded ANDES Advanced NDE Solutions. Since then, ANDES has been supporting well-known NDT suppliers such as METALSCAN, TECNATOM, EDDYFI and KARL DEUTSCH. ANDES is also regularly exchanging information with leading tube and pipe manufacturers such as VALLOUREC (workshops in Brazil, France, Saudi Arabia, China and Germany) and the TMK Group (workshops in Russia and Romania).
ANDES Projects
ANDES has been appointed by ECOMAG SRL Italy for business development with the focus on UT, MT and PT testing machines. ECOMAG has been a well known supplier of NDT solutions mainly for the Italian market. ECOMAG also has references in Greece at CPW Corinth Pipe Works and in international markets – mainly for subsidiaries of Italian companies such as MARCEGAGLIA China, METALFER Brazil and AD TUBI USA. The job for ANDES is to broaden the base of customers and industrial sectors such as railways (LUCCHINI, LUCCHINI IRS and JSW-Piombino), aerospace (VALBRUNA) and power industries (forging shops such as FORGITAL).

New and alternate NDT techniques such as contactless MT for pipe ends or ET Array or MFL testing of semi-finished profiles are in the portfolio of ANDES. ANDES maintains close links to the key players of the market for surface crack detection.
In the years 2021/2022, a project with TMK-ARTROM (Slatina, Romania) and KARL DEUTSCH (Wuppertal, Germany) was accompanied.

An impressive high-speed Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing system for the inspection of seamless pipes (diameters 60 – 270 mm, wall thicknesses up to 60 mm) and for oblique defect detection (0 – 75°) was put into operation.

Currently, the testing system is in the commission stage in Romania and the final acceptance test is foreseen in the first half of 2022.

For more information about this testing system, you can download the paper for the upcoming world conference for NDT in Korea (WCNDT, May 30th – June 3rd, 2022) -> DOWNLOAD LINK.

ANDES Literature and Downloads
ANDES Contact and Imprint
ANDES is an international network with hubs and members in Germany, Estonia, Argentina, and Milano Italy. We are happy to provide more information about our skills and competences.
You can contact us at:
Via Pisa No. 250
20099 Sesto San Giovanni near Milano